This policy describes how we collect and use information about visitors to this website. By using this website, you acknowledge and consent to our practices described below. If you have questions or comments about the policy or our use of your personal information, please contact us at in**@lo******.com

Information We Collect
You may use our website without disclosing to us any personally identifiable information. We collect personally identifiable information about you only if you choose to provide it to us by submitting information via the website form. This personally identifiable information may include, for example, your name, address, phone number, and email address, as well as specific information relevant to your inquiry. 

We may collect information that does not directly relate to an individual, such as browser information, information collected through cookies, pixel tags and other technologies, demographic information, zip code and aggregated information. Our web server logs certain technical information automatically, such as the identity of your Internet Service Provider and your computer’s IP address.  However, none of this technical information reveals your identity to us, and it is not associated with any personally identifiable information you may choose to provide. 

Use & Disclosure of Information
To the extent that we collect personally identifiable information via our website form, we use the information in connection with responding to your inquiry. We do not share any user information gathered on this website with third parties for direct marketing purposes. 

We may engage others to provide services to the firm, to you and to other visitors to this website. For example, we may engage other companies to host, operate and maintain this website, analyze data, provide marketing assistance and provide other services. We will permit these service providers access to your personal information in connection with such service providers providing services to the firm, to you and to other visitors to this website. We cannot guarantee that such companies will protect your personal information to the same extent described in this policy. In the future, if we merge with another firm, are acquired by or change our structure, we may need to transfer your personally identifiable information to the surviving or acquiring entity.

We may disclose your personally identifiable information if (1) we reasonably believe we are required by law to do so; (2) to protect and defend our rights or property or the rights or property of our clients; or (3) in an emergency to protect the personal safety of our employees, clients, or the public.

Sending Information Does Not Form an Attorney – Client Relationship
Transmission of information via this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm, nor is it intended to do so. The transmission of the website, in part or in whole, and/or any communication with us via internet e-mail through this site does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between us and any recipients.

Changes to This Policy
This policy is effective September 27, 2016. Any material changes to the policy will be published on this website. By your continued use of the website, you consent to the terms of the revised policy.

Links to Other Websites
This website may link to websites maintained by outside organizations. Please be aware that these third-party websites are governed by their own privacy policies and do not fall within this policy. Our firm is not responsible for the content or policies maintained by these websites. Please familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of any third-party website you visit, as it will govern any information you submit through that website.

Security of Your Information
Any information transmitted to the firm through the website is not secure and is done so on a non-confidential basis at your own risk. Please do not disclose any private or confidential information to us via email or this website. 

Any email messages and associated information that you send to addresses published on this website are not governed by this policy.