Employment-Related Resources

The California DFEH is a California State organization responsible for enforcement of California’s employee civil rights laws.

Employment Development Department (EDD)

The EDD is the California State organization responsible for administering Unemployment and Disability benefits. The EDD website has helpful Frequently Asked Questions pages for employees who may be eligible for benefits.

Labor Commissioner/Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE)

The DLSE adjudicates employee claims relating to unpaid wages and other wage/hour violations.

California Employment Lawyers Association (CELA)

CELA is an organization of California lawyers who represent employees. Click CELA’s “Find a CELA member” to find an employment attorney near you.

State Bar of California

Additional lawyer referral services by county.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination.